How to access

If you cannot attend live, you can still purchase it at any time afterwards and have access to the recording as detailed below:

▶️ Watch live at 9:00-11:00am GMT Sunday 16 March 2025

⏯️ Unlimited access to the recording for a week until 11:59pm GMT Sunday 30 March 2025

Class description

In these precious two hours together, we will explore much from mantra, asana and the yang yin approach, culminating with a deep relaxation and led meditation.

Using the yogic lens we look at ways to boost immunity:

  • Backbends & twists: stimulate digestion & boost white blood cells that support strong immunity.
  • Sun Salutes & fluid movements: get the circulation & lymphatic system moving, which creates heat to reduce excess in the system, allowing the immune system to stay strong.
  • Focused breath practices: to soothe the nervous system allowing the ease to enter once more, which reduces stress and boosts immunity.
  • Long Savasana: to down-regulate the nervous system into deep rest

Yin Yang Yoga blends two styles of yoga into one practice – bringing together the benefits of passively holding yoga poses with more dynamic sequences and standing postures.

Yin and Yang are the Taoist concepts which describe the two relative qualities present in everything. Yin is more internal, passive, cooling and downward. Yang is more external, dynamic, warming and upward.

When these terms are applied in yoga, Yin Yoga is a slower practice where poses are passively held for longer. It works on the deep, dense (Yin) connective tissues and joints in the body. Yang Yoga, in contrast, refers to a more active practice. This works on the (Yang) muscles and blood flow, building strength, stamina and flexibility. Yang styles of yoga are those with rhythm and repetition like Vinyasa Flow.

Expect to walk away changed, deeply nourished and relaxed.

Suitable for

Strong beginners upwards.
(not suitable for pregnant or 0-6 months of postnatal phase)

  • £20.00

    per person
    if multiple people on separate devices they should register separately

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